Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Myko kids in Kiev (day 3)

Here is Bogdan's recap of day three. The kids sound like they had a blast. We at An Orphan Smiles are looking forwards to the next feed the soul trip.

Today the Myko group went to the Dyvosvit (Wonderland) family recreation center and enjoyed several hours of fun playing archade games, going on varous rides, winning prizes etc. Boys finally got a chance to do some laser and video gun shooting. The 4D theater was a big hit and some of the children even tried to keep the glasses (in hopes to make things come alive once they go back to Mykolaivka, I guess. :) After everyone ran out of money on their cards, they all enjoyed another dozen of rides on the escalator.
After the group came back to Orphanage 12 they had a farewell lunch with home-made pies made by Orphanage 12 staff. Everyone got a small present - a soccer ball, a small radio, a watch etc. Everyone seemed to be happy with what they got. We also gave boxes of chocholates to the Orphanage 12 staff who have been cooking and escorting the children during these 3 days.
At 4.30 p.m. we all went to the train station. Jane Slavcore, who just arrived from Australia today, came to say 'hello' to Valentina and the group, which was a very nice surprise. The kids were very happy to see her.
I think I have told you everything. Once again, an enourmous thank you to everyone who made this trip a reality. The amount of positive emotions that the children received during these 3 days is invaluable.

Thanks again everyone!

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